In today’s session, I noticed several of the teams began building higher than before with up to three “drops,” as they call them. They are actually making it so that the marble drops to the level below. I believe they are doing this because they are observing each other. There are walls being created to keep the marble on the track on some and walls at the end of the pathway to stop the marble on many. My favorite part of this process is the reflection time at the end. I am impressed with their abilities to communicate what they have done and why they have done it. I get to practice more of my questioning skills during these times to dig for more information. I ask if anyone would like to tell about their experience today. Every hand goes up. Each child, so far, is able to describe, in detail, what they did with their “wooden pieces.” If they leave something out that I observed that I would like them to share, I might say…”I noticed you….Tell us more about that.” I often ask, “Why did you do that?” And “Did it do what you thought it would?” I also ask, “Why do you think that happened?” And their answers to this question amaze me. After these few days, they seem to have a real understanding of the cause and effect of their actions and many are able to explain why each thing happens. This is truly a worthy activity; one in which much learning is being constructed. I watch it happen every day! SO cool!!

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