Wow! The growth in the children’s thought processes between yesterday and today is huge!  The children’s constructions were much more advanced with nearly every team of children using inclines with the help of blocks, books, toys, and stools.  Some made two layers of inclining paths, allowing their marble to go a greater distance than ever before.  Some played with making two inclines going toward each other, causing the marble to go down and then up and back again.  A lot of interaction between teammates and teams occurred as they looked at each other’s constructions, shared ideas, and planned their future moves.  All of the interaction was positive and constructive today.  The only negative exchange has been when a child accidentally knocks into another’s construction or when marbles get temporarily lost and another’s is temporarily taken.  Squabbles are usually quickly resolved among themselves.  During reflection time the children used new vocabulary.  One described his by saying that he made a hill and explained that the hill made his marble go faster.  One explained that she and her partner were tired of chasing their marble so they created a bridge and a wall with the blocks to stop it at the end.  She and her partner had also used an incline and explained that the gravity caused their marble to slide down the hill faster.  One discovered the use of blocks on either side of his track to keep it from flying off the track.  Several discovered how to make their path make a gradual turn on the flat surface.  I love watching them figure things out and try new strategies.  Their thinking seems to be gaining momentum, just as their marbles are!  Can’t wait for tomorrow!!

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